Good Employment Charter

A good employer gets it

Created by West of England Combined Authority (WECA), The Good Employment Charter is the perfect way for all employers in the West of England to signal their support and commitment to the seven characteristics which go to make up ‘good employment practices’ and promote themselves as ‘good employers’.

The seven characteristics

Key challenges around this campaign were helping employers understand how supporting the charter benefits their business, how it benefits their people, and how simple it is to join the charter – no complicated endless forms to fill out, expensive registration processes, or hoops to jump through! 

Phase one of the rollout focuses on promoting the charter to businesses and employers, so we used a tried and tested combination of a hero film, direct mail, and printed brochures to convey simple messages around the benefits and ease of registration.

Our creative approach

Key to our creative is the strapline: “A good employer gets it”. This line is so clever and efficient in conveying two messages. Yes, there are benefits (things you’ll get as an employer) of joining the charter, but the secondary suggestion is that as a good employer – you understand the point of committing to good employment practices – you are part of a group of employers who ‘just get it’! 

The call to action within the campaign is ‘It makes business sense’, further establishing membership and support of the charter as useful for the business and the bottom line. After all, a happy, well-looked after team of people who know their employer supports good employment practices are likely to be more productive, stay longer, and cut down on recruitment and retention costs.

Focusing on these benefits, we used a solid graphical, stats-driven approach which tested very well with employers throughout our focus groups. Stats like: “Companies that hire disabled employees tend to get 30% higher profit margin and 200% higher net income”; “Health and Wellness programmes can reduce sickness and absence by 82%”; and “64% of employers say living wage has helped differentiate them from others in their industry”, which we received from WECA really help to illustrate how much of a ‘no-brainer’ it is for employers to sign up to the charter.

Key campaign elements

  • Informative printed brochure: demonstrating the five simple steps to join the charter signposting the support and resources available
  • Direct mail: personalised letter from the Mayor to registered business in the West 
  • Hero film: highlighting the benefits of registration to employers and employees alike



The results

The Good Employment Charter was launched in the first half of 2022 as a phased launch, we are excited to see the positive results from this campaign – check back soon for updates!


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