#SBWAgencyLife in May 2024

Making the difference with childcare costs

Over the past year we’ve been working with Welsh Government, shining a light on the childcare support available to help parents and carers in Wales get back to work or to take up further education.

Childcare Offer for Wales is for parents of 3 to 4 year olds who need help with childcare costs, providing up to 30 hours a week of early education. Our film which will be promoted across digital platforms and by local authorities and flying start centres, aims to educate people on the offer and encourage families not to miss out.

SBW Green Fingers

Both offices have been slipping on their gardening gloves and sprucing up our outside areas to make the most of sunny lunch breaks. Our Bristol team are taking it one step further, busy planning our own mini herb garden with fresh mint, basil and rosemary – did someone say fresh cocktail o’clock?

Doing our bit for biodiversity

We’re excited to share our latest digital campaign for DEFRA, just in time for sunny forest walks and picnics (perhaps optimistic thinking). The new infographics shine a spotlight on the little things we can all do, such as cleaning your bike and boots to make a world of difference when protecting our forests and countryside!

South Wales Touring Park

Bogdan from our Design Team headed over to South Wales Touring Park in Llanelli this month to shoot the latest case study film for our Workplace Recycling campaign. Whilst he was there, he had a chance to speak with the owner Hywel, who was full of praise for his customers’ quick adaptation to the new ways of making sure their waste goes into the right bins!

Food for thought with IPA

Being IPA members gives us the inside scoop on advertising and marketing trends. This month, Leticia and Richard had the chance to catch up with other agencies over a spot of lunch to discuss all things innovation. From cutting-edge tech to the rapid shift towards digital, it’s an exciting time to be in this industry!

Bahamas First Road safety campaign

Bahamas First Insurance is on a mission to make the roads safer, rolling out a fresh campaign to encourage better driving habits across the island. Our team have been busy whipping up a suite of materials that champion booster seat use, helmet wearing, safe driving speeds, and designating a sober driver for the night.

Climate Action Wales hits the streets

Our Climate Action Wales campaign is back on the digital screens and streets with the latest out of home burst. Our animation features small steps we can all take to reduce our carbon footprint – have you spotted it?